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    Gazi Haji Miraziz Seyidzade: “Door of science”
    Chapter I. A Few Words About Ahl Al-Bayt
    (Continuation) A similar hadith was made in the case of Hamzah's daughter in whose regard Ali, Jafar and Zayd disputed. The Messenger of Allah (PEACE BE UPON HIM AND HIS PROGENY) said then: "O Ali! You are to me like Aaron to Moses, etc."

    Another incident occurred when Abu Bakr, Umar, and Abu Ubaydah ibn al-Jarrah were in the company of the Prophet (PEACE BE UPON HIM AND HIS PROGENY) who was leaning on Ali. The Prophet (PEACE BE UPON HIM AND HIS PROGENY) patted Ali's shoulder and said: "O Ali! You are the strongest among the believers in faith, the first (man) to embrace Islam, and your status to me is similar to that of Aaron to Moses."
    The hadith narrated during the First Fraternity also include this text. These were made in Mecca prior to the migration, when the Messenger of Allah (PEACE BE UPON HIM AND HIS PROGENY) consummated brotherhood among the emis in particular.
    On the occasion of the Second Fraternity, while in Medina, five months after the migration, the Prophet (PEACE BE UPON HIM AND HIS PROGENY) made fraternity between the emis (Muhajirun) and the supporters (Ansar). In both events, he (PEACE BE UPON HIM AND HIS PROGENY) chose Ali as his brother, thus, preferring him over all others, saying to him: "You are to me like Aaron to Moses."
    Narrations in this regard are consecutively reported. Refer to what others state about the First Fraternity such as the hadith narrated by Zayd ibn Abu Awfah. Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal has included it in his book Manaqib Ali, Ibn Asakir in his Tarikh, al-Baghwi and al-Tabarani in their Mujma, al-Barudi in his Al-Marifa, by Ibn `Adi and others.
    The hadith under discussion is quite lengthy, and it contains guidelines about how to establish brotherhood. It ends with: "Ali said: `O Messenger of Allah! My soul has expired, and my spine has been broken, having seen what you have done for your companions while leaving me alone. If this is a sign of your anger with me, then I complain only to you and beg your pardon.' The Messenger of Allah said: `I swear by the One Who sent me to convey the truth about Him, I have not spared you except for my own self. You are to me like Aaron to Moses, except there will be no Prophet after me. You are my Brother, heir and companion. You will be my companion in my house in Paradise together with my daughter Fatima. You are my Brother and Companion.' Then He (S) recited the verse: `They are brethren seated conveniently facing each other,'" referring to the brethren whose hearts Allah has joined in affection who look at each other with sincere compassion.”
    Refer also to the events of the Second Fraternity. Al-Tabrani, in his Al-Tafsir Al-Kabir, quotes Ibn Abbas reporting one hadith stating that the Messenger of Allah (PEACE BE UPON HIM AND HIS PROGENY) said to Ali (A.S.): "Are you angry because I have established brotherhood between the Ansar and the Muhajirun and have not selected a brother for you from among them? Are you not pleased that your status to me is like that of Aaron to Moses, except there will be no Prophet after me?"
    The same hadith was also said when the companions' doors overlooking the Prophet's mosque in Medina were ordered closed except that of Ali. Jabir ibn Abdullah quotes the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his progeny, saying: "O `Ali! It is permissible for you to do at this mosque whatever is permissible for me, and you are to me like Aaron to Moses, except there will be no Prophet after me."
    Huthayfah ibn Asid al-Ghifari has said that the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him and His Progeny, once delivered a khutba on the occasion of closing those doors in which he said: "There are some men who have disliked that I got them out of the mosque while keeping Ali. Allah, the Dear and Mighty, inspired to Moses and his brother to reside with their people in Egypt and make their homes a qibla and say their prayers," till he said: "`Ali to me is like Aaron to Moses. He is my Brother."
    The sources of this hadith are numerous, and they cannot all be counted, yet I hope that what I have stated here suffices to falsify the claim that the status hadith of Manzilat is confined only to the Battle of Tabuk.
    Dawud al Tayalisi writes in his “Istiab”: “The Prophet (S) said about Ali Ibn Abu Talib: “Ali is the leader of all believers after me.”
    Another authentic hadith is narrated by `Umran ibn Hasin who says: "The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his progeny, deployed an army division under the command of `Ali ibn Abu Talib who chose, as his share of the khums, a slave-girl for himself, and people criticized him. Four men vowed to complain against him to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his progeny. When they came to the Prophet, one of them stood up and said: `O Messenger of Allah! Have you seen how `Ali has done such and such?' The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him and His Progeny) turned his face away from him. The second stood up and spoke likewise, and the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him and His Progeny) ignored him, too. The third stood up and repeated what his fellows had previously stated, and he, too, was ignored. The fourth one stood up and stated exactly as had been stated by his fellows. It was then that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his progeny, turned to them with anger in his eyes and said: `What do you want of Ali? Ali is of me and I am of him, and only after me is he the mawla of all believers.”
    Also refer to Buraydah's hadith quoted verbatim on page 356 of Vol. 5 of Ahmed's Musnad. He says: "The Messenger of Allah sent two armies to Yemen. One of them was led by `Ali ibn Abu Talib (A.S.), and the other by Khalid ibn al-Walid. He instructed them thus: `When you combine your forces, let `Ali be the ovrall leader. But if you disperse, then each one of you is the leader over his own troops.” Buraydah says: “We then battled Banu Zubayda, and `Ali selected one of the captives, a slave-girl, for himself”.
    Buraydah narrates: “Khalid and I wrote to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his progeny, to inform him of the incident. When I came to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his progeny, and the letter was read for him, I noticed anger in his eyes; therefore, I pleaded to him by saying: `This is the place for those who seek refuge; you have sent me with a commander and ordered me to obey him, and I have done just that.' The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: `Do not ever plot against `Ali, for he is of me and I am of him, and he is your wali after me.”
    Al-Nisa'i has quoted the following words of the Prophet (PEACE BE UPON HIM AND HIS PROGENY) verbatim on page 17 of his Al-Khasa'is al-`Alawiyyah: "…Do not try to make me dislike `Ali, for `Ali is of me, and I am of him, and he is your wali after me."
    Jarir, too, quotes this hadith as verbatim: "Buraydah said: “Then, I saw that the Prophet's (S) face became red with anger, and he said: `To whomsoever I have been mawla, `Ali is his maw.”'
    Buraydah writes: “I forgot my own anger against Ali and said that I would never speak ill of Ali again."
    Al-Tabarani, too, has quoted this hadith in detail. Among what he narrates is that when Buraydah came from Yemen and entered the mosque, he found a crowd standing by the room of the Prophet (PEACE BE UPON HIM AND HIS PROGENY). Upon seeing him, they stood up to greet him and ask him what news he had brought them. He said: "Good news. Allah has rendered victory upon the Muslims." They asked him: "Then what brought you here?" He answered: "An incident regarding a slave-girl whom `Ali chose as his share of the khums, and I have come here to inform the Prophet about it." They said: "Inform him of it, do inform him, so that he may his heart about Ali."
    The Prophet (PEACE BE UPON HIM AND HIS PROGENY), was standing overhearing their conversation from within. He, thereupon, came out angrily and said: "What is the matter with those who bear grudge against Ali? Whoever hates Ali hates me, too, and whoever abandons Ali abandons me. Ali is of me and I am of him; he has been created of my own mould, and my own mould is Ibrahim's (Abraham's), and I am even superior to Ibrahim, one progeny descending from another, and Allah is all-Hearing, all-Knowing. O Buraydah! Have you not come to know that Ali's share is a lot more than the slave-girl he took, and that he is your wali after me?"
    There is no doubt about the authenticity of this hadith, and its narrators are quite numerous, and they are all reliable.

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